Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sarah's Facebook

        Sarah has murdered Billy her lover and fiance in the kitchen of their home with a knife from a set that Billy's mother had given them. By looking on Sarah's Facebook page we can research the information that she has posted to see if there is any intent of her murdering Billy. If Sarah was planning to murder Billy, or if she had been dealing with issues involving him, then she might have put information about it on her Facebook. If Sarah was guilty with first degree murder than she would have put on Facebook that she planned to kill him. If it was second degree murder it would say that there has been problems in the relationship which could lead up to the impulsive killing of Billy. By looking on Sarah’s page, I hope to find that she is guilty of only second degree murder. I would like to see that Sarah has not posted anything about Billy in regards to hurting him, and that his murder was only done in the heat of the moment. 

Date: September 28, 2012
To: Jim Carter, DA
From: Kelli Miller, DA Intern
Re: Sarah’s Facebook findings

Enclosed is the information that was obtained from Sarah’s Facebook page, which was requested after her arrest on September 4, 2012. If there is any other information you would like me to look over again, please let me know.

Sarah’s Facebook included status updates dated from October 2011 till the day before the death her fiance Billy. In these status updates she described times when she had problems with Billy, and had stated numerous occasions when she was really hurt by him. A few of these updates said that he would get drunk and yell at her often. She seemed to be very depressed and sounded like she was sick of how he was treating her. Sarah did violate personal ethics by letting everyone on her Facebook know how her and Billy’s relationship really was. But Sarah did mention how she loved him very much and wishes he would change. There were also many happy pictures of her and Billy on her Facebook, including the default photo.

I hope that this enclosed information will be read by you, and whoever else is on this case who needs to find out this information.

I understand further investigation is needed but I hope that this research has been helpful to your case. If there is anything else I can be reached at extension 5555. 

1 comment:

  1. Melissa:
    Good work. I wish you would have included the different types of readers in your answer. I do appreciate the legal research you did.
