Monday, November 19, 2012

Beef, It's Not What's For Dinner!

            For my formal analytical report I have decided to choose the subject of red meat and use reliable resources to support how unhealthy it is to consume and how the killing of the cows are inhuman. I plan to use the internet to find PETAs website which will help me find facts to back up the information about the mistreatment of the cows, and baby calves. I will also use books found in the Edison library and The American Dietary Association to show statistics on the dangers of red meat consumption. 

           With the subject of red meat I feel that writing a newsletter may help get my point across in a more positive way. I will use images of bacteria that can be present in red meat and the illnesses that can be contracted by them, statistics of hormones that may be added to red meat, and clear explanations as to how the animals are mistreated from birth to death in slaughter houses or farms. 

            The primary readers of my newsletter would have to be consumers, and animal rights activists. The secondary readers could be a nutritionist or health care professional looking to inform patients on the benefits and health risks associated with red meat consumption. And tertiary readers might be a meat distributor who come across this article.

            I'd like this newsletter to open  up the eyes of individuals to really understand and become educated about how red meat is not as healthy for us as we may believe it to be. Animals are not just killed for food, but the ways they are treated is appalling, and people need to know the truth about where the foods that they eat come from. We don’t really know what goes on behind closed doors. I hope that consumers will find this newsletter informative and possibly stop them from continuing to buy red meat and convince them to exclude it from their diet.. 

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